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New look on the upcoming generation

“Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers.” So said Socrates circa 350 B.C. People have been critical of the upcoming generation forever but one cannot help but look at the present generation with admiration.

There are anecdotal exceptions, but one only has to look at the response of those who survived the massacre in Parkland, Florida, and those who are showing solidarity with their peers, to see that there is hope for the future. Despite constant attacks by media pundits such as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, and death threats from NRA enthusiasts, they are undeterred.

Thanks to The Spokesman-Review for publishing comments from our local high school students who eruditely demonstrated their support for the survivors and have the courage to back up their articulate and compelling words with peaceful demonstrations. Shame on our elected representatives who have shown themselves to be cowardly and woefully inadequate in protecting our upcoming generation.

Bob Johnston


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