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Snyder is the real deal

Michael Snyder crossed my path when I started dodging mainstream media looking for alternative views on economics, politics and Christian platforms.

Like many of us, my hope in our nation was restored when Donald Trump became president. When I learned that pro-Trump candidate Michael Snyder decided to run for Congress in District 1, like a breath of fresh air I wanted to know how a person like me could make a difference too. For starters, we have to get out and vote this month for those pushing the #MAGA agenda.

I have had the chance to meet Michael. In person his demeanor is kind and polite. On stage, however, he comes out bold as a lion. He doesn’t sound like the other candidates. Michael Snyder is the real deal.

However, don’t take my word for it. The congressional debates held a few days ago are online at Idaho Public Television and they speak volumes on how Michael sets himself apart. I encourage you to view the debates yourselves and prayerfully consider Michael Snyder in this year’s election.

Jennifer McClelland

Fruitland, Idaho

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