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Sanger’s acts of disrespect

After having read the May 4 letter from Diane Belyea (“Pro-life and pro-gun”), I was the one who laughed. Belyea doubts Charity Catlin has ever read the history of Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, Well, I doubt Belyea is the one who has done her research of the woman.

Margaret Sanger has been given the infamous title “Father of Modern Society.” In other words, the movement she started has been horribly destructive regarding sexuality. Fornication, masturbation, and contraception are all part of her plan for youth and young adults. These are all acts of disrespect toward people’s bodies.

Sanger’s successor, Faye Waddleton, announced in 1986 that her organization would not be an advocate of chastity and abstinence. Something is clearly wrong here as this is the right thing to do.

Regarding Planned Parenthood’s mission statement, this is moot as they do not practice what they preach and spread lies.

Patrick Kirlin


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