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Thank God for Democratic candidates

Thank God, in this upcoming election, we have a choice of candidates who have good Christian values, and good American values.

Thank God we have candidates who support not only access to health care, but access to affordable health care, because taking care of the sick and infirm has always been a Christian value.

Thank God we have candidates who believe in common-sense solutions to gun violence like increasing the age to purchase guns and keeping them away from those with mental health issues because doing nothing is no longer an option.

Thank God we have candidates who recognize that 240 years of sensible immigration is what has made America. Period.

Thank God we have candidates ready and willing to fight for an economy that works for everyone, not just the richest few, because “trickle down” never works, and “trickle up” makes everyone richer.

And thank God we have candidates who know abortion should be avoided if at all possible, that it’s worse to make it illegal, and that subsidized health care and child care greatly increase the ability of young women to avoid abortion and successfully care for children.

There’s a name for candidates like these: Democrats!

Tom Topping


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