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Vote yes on I-1631: I’m sick of smoke

As a college student living in Cheney, I was really looking forward to a summer full of hiking, camping and picnicking. However, each time my husband and I cleared our weekends to get out into the great outdoors, the sky turned red. Like many others I have asthma, which makes getting active hard even before the smoke chokes up my throat.

Initiative 1631 is a great response to the horrible pollution and the perfect policy for rural areas like Spokane County. It puts a fee on the largest carbon producers in the state and reinvests the revenue in sustainable projects. My favorite project is the expansion of the SCC transit center, which would give college students in rural areas access to public transportation. Another project would switch STA buses from diesel to electric!

Thankfully, this policy is being championed by a wide range of organizations that have helped make sure that everyone’s voices are heard. Some endorsements include Mountain Gear in Spokane Valley, the Spokane Tribe, the NAACP Spokane, some local faith organizations, and the American Lung Association.

Let’s feel comfortable spending time outdoors with our families next summer. I’m already planning a picnic beneath the stars.

Jordan Stevenson


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