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Prop 2 stops the bleeding

This letter is to encourage Idaho residents to vote yes for Proposition 2, the voter-sponsored initiative to expand Medicaid in Idaho.

I am a provider of pediatric specialty care in Spokane, and we receive many patients from Northern Idaho. Although the children often have coverage, there are many parents who do not. This makes their lives more difficult and expensive, especially if they have to bring children to our office for medications, and to behavioral, speech and occupational therapy providers, which is necessary if they have autism or other learning or developmental disorders.

To briefly mention arguments against the proposition, such as that the people covered are lazy and taking advantage of the system (60 percent of Medicaid recipients are employed), and the inefficiencies in Medicaid (as there are in all medical insurance including private plans): We are probably not ready to deal with the inefficiencies in all health care at this time and all Prop 2 does is stop the bleeding.

Most other people in this country have health insurance that is partially subsidized, either through tax exemptions (employer-based), or from the general fund (Medicare). This includes congressmen, who work three months a year and get health care for 12.

Tim Jordan MD


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