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Be an informed voter

I would like to respond one of Mr. Craig Detmer’s many statements in the August 9, 2018, paper edition (“Ad claims are a stretch”); Lisa Brown’s vote on sexual predators. My review of online information showed Ms. Brown voted against HB 2734 (Restricting sex offenders living within certain distance from a school) because it did not address distances from daycares or preschools. House bill sponsor Ms. McMorris (Rodgers) voted yes. I have not found an explanation for her vote.

Ms. Brown did not offer amendments to the House bill after her no vote because she left the House in 1997 to become a senator. As a senator, she did vote in 2006 for the final passage of HB 2409 (changing the provisions relating to sex and kidnapping offender registration) that banned sex offenders from not only living near schools, but from child care centers, playgrounds and other similar locations.

I strongly urge voters not to accept at face value political claims by either party or candidate, or their supporters. The biggest foe of any political candidate for any office is an informed electorate.

Don Nichols


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