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Capitalism vs. democracy

This is a finite planet with diminishing finite resources and 7.5 billion people. This is not sustainable.

You can have capitalism or democracy, but you can’t have them both at the same time. Capitalism concentrates wealth and power so that it can control the political system. Ownership is control. And it dictates to the United States when it creates the rules that money is speech and corporations are people! That’s what the law of the land is now. Government is almost completely influenced by those with enormous power and wealth. The main media are owned by that elite minority and they deliver their philosophy to the public.

How can the majority of the people have much of a say in the government when more than 80 percent of the people live paycheck to paycheck and are heavily in debt. About the only relief from the day-to-day struggle comes from the electronic media’s many examples of “entertainment.”

And the majority of humanity lacks long-term vision.

But in our state we still have some control over the election system. Let’s hope our Public Disclosure campaign statutes are not changed by the national legal system.

Bart Haggin


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