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An obvious choice

If you were to listen to the president the night of July 24, you might get the idea that you needed to choose between a quiet, bumbling, very reserved and somewhat halting speaker who goes entirely by the book … or a clearly put-upon, mistreated, and no doubt best-ever leader of our country.

I see it a bit differently. Through my eyes, I see a blowhard, repeat philanderer, tax cheater, an obvious and over the top prevaricator who seems to use any opportunity to denigrate friend and foes alike … anyone who might not like his style and ethics of life.

This person should be compared with an heroic Vietnam Marine, a respected leader of the FBI for 12 years, and highly successful Republican U.S. attorney?

Well, “who ya gonna believe?” Five to 10 years ago, it would have been no contest. But for some reason, some have taken leave of their senses. One of these men would not have even been invited into most people’s homes in the past.

But for me, I see no clothing on this emperor.

Instead, I’ll take that bumbling, reluctant man of honor over in the corner.

Bruce Embrey


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