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Avista park a bad idea

Concerning Avista’s project to make Upriver Park next to the campus and vacating the road from Mission north to North Center Drive.

It seems that Avista is using their mandate from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to say they “need” to build this park. This seems like a colossally bad idea. Vacating Upriver Drive there will overload Perry, Indiana, Mission and others with more traffic.

I proposed at the community meeting that clearing the brush (thereby allowing drivers to have a nice view and prevent transient “campers”), brightening up the Centennial Trail, and perhaps hiring two security guards to patrol the trail along that stretch would not only solve all the problems in that area, but keep traffic flowing, and save millions of dollars.

I was met with applause from the crowd at the meeting, but the moderator’s response was, “That’s not what we’re proposing.”

I understand that’s not the proposal, but it’s a solid idea that solves the issue(s), saves money and doesn’t upset 4,500 drivers (according to the city’s traffic study).

I am not part of any crusade or group, just a passionate Spokanite who’s been enjoying that drive between Frederick to Mission for 37 years.

I hope my words do not fall on deaf ears.

Rob Twohy


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