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Socialism’s shortcomings

I had to comment to Steve Peck’s suggestion to give socialism a try in order to cure out country’s woes (“Alternative to socialism?” Aug. 18).

Has history taught you nothing? First of all, the countries you mention are not completely socialist. It’s a fact that the Nordic countries were economically successful before they became welfare states. This generated good incomes which allowed the government to raise the taxes in order to pay for the social benefits.

Aside from the astronomical taxation, another downside is the inability of countries such as Canada to provide services such a medical care when needed. Are you not aware of the myriad of Canadians flocking to the U.S. - Spokane quite often - to see a doctor because they have to wait for months to get an appointment in Canada?

I think the best quote I ever heard was from Margaret Thatcher: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

Lucy Holt


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