To each their own tool box
We all have a tool box that consists of everything we’ve observed and learned in our lives. Our tool box is based on our environment, our knowledge, our upbringing, our education and even our indoctrination. Those who continue to base their beliefs and “truths” on false sources continue to spew out these false narratives to family and friends, never realizing that what they are spreading is toxic to society and to this world.
When you choose to believe what our corporate government and the mainstream media are telling you to think without researching their sources, it’s easy to get caught up in the lies we’re being told. There are dozens of examples in the letters printed monthly in this paper.
The CDC tells us that vaccines are safe, when most are unaware that the CDC owns many of the vaccine patents and makes millions from their sales. The UN tells us that climate change is real, unaware that corporations are making millions on the fear and taxes that narrative generates.
Check your tool boxes folks, and start doing your own research, rather than simply following and believing what you’re told to think and believe. Choose to believe in the truth based on information from all sources, not just the propaganda we’re being fed!
Todd Horner