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Trump supports my values

I must respond to Tracy Simmons’ December 2 Faith and Values article where she chastises Evangelical Christians for not holding President Trump accountable (“Why people of faith should not support Trump”).

All Christians, including liberals and evangelicals, should be supporting Donald Trump. Of all the 2020 candidates from whom to choose, Donald Trump is the only who is supportive of religious freedom at home and abroad; strongly pro life/anti-abortion; strongly pro-Israel; strongly supportive of the military and law enforcement; supports legal immigration; supports prison reform; rejects climate-warming alarmists; supports welfare and educational reforms. In addition, he rejects globalism and one-world government as predicted in Bible prophecy and has nominated articulate, constitutionally-originalist candidates for the federal courts.

He is demonstrating his “compassion” and “brotherly love” for all Americans with his accomplishments in spite of the bullying and harassment of the press, media, higher education and opposing party. His emphasis on eradicating opioid addiction, homelessness, mental health issues and promoting affordable health care confirm his understanding and implementation of the Scriptures. Did I mention that he donates his salary to charity?

Also, consider that the economy is growing and unemployment is lower than any time in last fifty years.

Yes, he may use language I do not like, be a bit abrupt in his demeanor and not always exemplify ideal Christian conduct as I practice it, but I am not choosing him to be head of The Church or my spiritual leader. I am choosing him to lead our government because he supports my Christian values more than any other candidates have demonstrated to me in recent years. Consider the moral flaws of Clinton, Kennedy and Johnson et al..; I don’t recall people screaming about their “lack of good character.”

Lastly, I would rather be shot in the chest by someone who makes his motives clear than stabbed in the back by a wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing who says “after the election, I will have more flexibility.”

Roger Long


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