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The Articles of Impeachment

In my opinion - and since I’m retired I watched most of it - there was more than enough evidence as presented in SWORN testimony from a variety of witnesses to support the allegations against President Trump. I am ignoring the “un-sworn testimony” from the Republican congressmen and lawyers during that investigation.

If any of the House Republicans vote for the articles; or – for that matter – if any Democrats vote against them, then there is hope for the republic because they have set aside party politics and voted their conscience. That would also shine a bright-white spotlight on the senators to clearly see their character. If, however, the vote in the House is totally along party lines then the Senate gets a “pass” and can easily end the Impeachment process.

No matter what, though, it’s time for a national referendum to require a single term for ALL representatives and senators. Personally, I like one 5-year term for the House, with one-fifth staggered out annually and a 6-year term for senators with one-sixth replaced each time. Not perfect but workable.

We need statesmen and leaders – not sheep. Make Congress Great Again.

Doug Kaer


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