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What are we becoming?

A recent action by our senior senator from Washington state has me fearing for us to be called a civilized nation. The action was the single-handed block by Sen. Patty Murray for a vote on a bill that would have made it a federal requirement to preserve the lives of babies born alive after abortion (and yes, it does happen).

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska had sponsored S.311, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act, to stop the possibility of infanticide nationwide. In blocking a Senate vote, Sen. Murray said there are laws now against infanticide in this country. But only 26 states have laws with “affirmative protections” for these babies. What about the other 26 states that do not have such laws? These are among the states (six at last count) that either have or are considering abortion laws which permit abortions up to the day of delivery!

Do we, as a nation, care so little about babies that we would allow them to die after a live post-abortion birth? If so, we will have lost any vestige of morality towards our children and our place in the civilized world is in peril.

John Kittel


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