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‘Again’ a loaded word

A recent writer wondered why a “Make America Great Again” hat would offend anyone. Let me share my point of view. If the hat said “Make America Great,” I would have no objection. The “Again” is the disqualifier.

America has always reached for greatness, and for centuries has been loved and admired all over the world. Over time, the civil rights of citizens has expanded, economic opportunity has usually expanded, our choices have been vast.

Again? During World War II, we were unified, efficient, and wouldn’t settle for defeat. However, we interned American citizens, and denied entrance to Jewish refugee children who died in the Holocaust. Black soldiers were considered substandard, disproven by the Tuskegee airmen and black soldiers. Women did war work that no one thought they were able to do.

As great as our country was at that crucial hour, we still shortchanged many of our citizens. I don’t support going back to any era. Throughout our history, our best days and the best opportunities for our people have been ahead of us. We started with “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal….”

During that mythical “golden time,” women and people of color had more limits, fewer rights, more discrimination, less education, lower pay for the same work, and less opportunity to develop their skills and talents. This does not lead our nation to greatness.

For those reasons, many of us dislike MAGA hats. We aren’t snowflakes. When we ignore the equality of our fellow Americans, we are no longer loyal Americans.

Linda T. Marler

Colfax, Wash.

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