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Happiness in harmony

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Happiness is when what you think, do and say are in perfect harmony.” I thought of this quote while reading two articles in the June 15 paper.

For Spokesman-Review reporter Megan Rowe, time taught her this lesson as she struggled with the idea of doing, as some would call, “menial labor” when she had such a good education. Now she can say, “Take the jobs you think you’re too good for, and while you’re working them, apply for the jobs you think are out of reach.” When I came to Spokane in 1990, I had beyond a master’s degree but chose daycare, as my brain and spirit needed a break from the stresses my “real work” entailed. Oh, how I loved those babies and I was even happy changing diapers! Every job has dignity, even if it’s scrubbing toilets, picking fruit or being a CEO.

The other was written by someone just two years older than my 78. Rosalind Goforth Luther in a letter to the editor calls us to “Learn new, compassionate truths,” (June 15). Already in a Science magazine from 1981, evidence was strong that gayness was/is genetic. It’s also scientifically true that few, if any, of us are totally straight or totally gay; we all fit on a continuum. One thing we all need is acceptance of who we are as our God made us. Cross-dressing may be the only way some feel real. Parents and very young children can struggle with sexual identity. Will you help them or judge them?

Sister Julie Wokasch


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