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Hattenburg knows the Valley

We were recently reminiscing about our three decades in the Valley and all the changes we have seen.

That’s progress.

We didn’t determine this was all good or all bad but with the City of Spokane Valley Council elections coming up it is a good time to recommend Tim Hattenburg for Position 6.

Tim has spent 50 years in the Valley and is well aware of the good and the bad of our growing area. The fact he was a long-time teacher in the Central Valley district shows he is a good communicator, listening to questions and getting answers. He has also been an active volunteer in our community.

It seems as if our council often favors business or refuses to consider any changes that might cost money even if they would benefit the citizens of our rapidly growing and changing Valley. Tim has been involved in politics long enough to know his way around and has been around long enough to help make good decisions for our present and future. Please mark Tim Hattenburg of City Council position 6 before you put your ballot in the mail.

Dave Trimmer

Spokane Valley

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