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Healing America

This is in response to the letter to the editor “America’s competing worldviews” (Allen Marsh, June 30).

In a roundabout way the author constructs a cherry-picked polarization of America to establish their “again” time of the MAGA thing, which apparently is back to the founding fathers.

But to begin, I reject the assertion that Christianity is more moral than other religions. All religions are filled with about an equal amount of hate and vindictiveness when their specialness is challenged. What values are you referring to? Some people want the criminal, traitor to his oath of office, MAGA guy out, and others assign savior status to Mr. MAGA, which is then used to bludgeon anything that doesn’t fit the agenda.

On the whole I agree that the Founding Fathers were a special group. Rare in history have human determination and compromise hammered out documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and we are the better for it. However, just as the human people who wrote these documents were fallible, so too were the documents and the time period. Not addressed were slavery and suppression of women. Those required changing the Constitution, just as the Bill of Rights and various other amendments have done over time.

The Constitution established a due process of law. We have many important subjects before us: abortion, immigration, gun control, trust in government. Bridging the gaps described in the letter will require the strength to compromise so that America, the home of the brave, can heal.

John Koehn


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