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Hecla needs to reach a deal

Hecla Mining Company needs to reach an agreement with USW Local 5114 in Mullan, Idaho.

The union miners at the Lucky Friday mine have been on strike for two years because of an unfair contract. It is the workers that control the means of production. Hecla, however, thinks that it is employers that control the means of production.

Phillips J. Baker, the chief executive officer for Hecla, only views workers as numbers and liabilities, and not assets and human beings. Baker has probably also never swung a hammer or a pickaxe in his life, and he is trying to dictate how people work.

Hecla is also trying to influence local news outlets, and this can be seen with the Shoshone News Press’ recent bash article about the strike’s two-year anniversary. It is time for Hecla to give the union the contract they deserve. The spirit of USW Local 5114 is unbreakable! One day longer, one day stronger!

William Neville

Spokane Valley

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