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Pitts’ conversion complete

I used to really enjoy reading Leonard Pitts’ column. He wrote about things other than race on occasion, and even when he did discuss race, he was fairly even-handed in his comments.

However, beginning with Obama’s years in office he has progressed down a path to the point where he now slathers himself in victimhood every time he picks up his pen. Literally everything he writes about now is presented as a portrait of racism in America. Maybe he doesn’t know that everyone knows there was and is racism, and all of it is wrong.

Maybe he doesn’t know that everyone knows that huge progress has been made and we live in the present, not in the past. Or maybe he doesn’t know that everyone knows that baiting every sentence he writes with race says more about him than those he writes about.

Or maybe he does know all of that, and couldn’t care less. It’s sad to see a once respected and open mind shriveled by bitterness to the point of irrelevance.

Dave Knecht


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