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A fix for IBS

The Sept. 14 “Ask The Doctors” article states that the cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) “is unknown.” The main symptom, though, is gut-crushing, chronic constipation with lower abdominal pain after eating food. I know; I had it for seven years. Not now. More on that later.

First, there’s a recent historical analogy of medical “science” accepting and defending a paradigm of stolid ignorance about another digestive disorder: stomach ulcers. The standard belief – not based on any scientific study – was that excess stomach acid or stress caused these ulcers, and there wasn’t any real cure.

In 1982, though, two Australian doctors discovered that a specific bacteria, Heliobacter pylori, caused stomach ulcers. One even infected himself to establish the link. Search “discovery of h-pylori and ulcers” and select for their story. They met incredible resistance from the medical community, taking over two decades to formally accept their finding.

It’s 2019, and medical “science” has the same stolid ignorance about the cause of IBS. Fortunately for me, a naturopathic pharmacist suggested that my stomach might not be producing enough natural acid (HCl) to digest my food. He advised trying HCl pills (available at nutrition supplement stores) and drinking black coffee with meals for the extra acidity, not the caffeine. The combination produced results for me after the very first day. And ever since 2002.

So this letter is a challenge to medical “scientists” to test that hypothesis. They do want to solve this problem, don’t they?

Bob Strong


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