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Media looks the other way

We have another no-holds-barred attempt by the Democrats — both in government and the media — to try and take out Trump and annul the 2016 election. The audacity to claim that America’s president cannot ask another’s president to look into crimes of someone who is running for the presidency and that it is an impeachable offense is ludicrous. Why is it that the media always looks the other way when Democrats commit obvious crimes while attempting to make it look like Republicans’ every move is suspect? We call that, “fake news.”

The idea that the media is one-sided is not new — it’s decades old! What is new is the blatant disregard for even trying to pretend you are not one-sided. The American voter is paying attention and in fact it is one reason we elected President Trump. We don’t trust the media at all! The media lies all the time and then attempts to make it look like anyone disagreeing with them is the one lying. Who fact checks the “fact checkers”?

The “impeachment investigation,” which is nothing unless they actually vote for impeachment, is just another attempt at a coup that has failed at every step: Trump/Russia collusion, going after his tax returns, unsubstantiated accusations of sexual assault and now this garbage of saying it’s illegal to ask for help in investigating probable crimes the former Vice President Joe Biden was involved in.

Enough is enough. Trump is going to be re-elected. KAG 2020!

Rob Leach


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