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CVSD incumbents have know-how

If I could vote in Central Valley School Board elections, I’d vote for Cindy McMullen and Debra Long.

These long-serving incumbents are so respected that the state’s 1,477 school directors elected each of them to serve a term as president of the Washington State School Directors Association. Debbie remains on WSSDA’s board of directors, while Cindy serves with me on the organization’s Legislative Committee.

Cindy first joined the CV board in 1987, and also served four years on the state Board of Education. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of regulatory issues, making her a powerful advocate in the Legislature and Congress. In addition, she works with WSSDA to train incoming school board members.

Debbie has served CVSD since 2003. She is an accountant with a bachelor’s degree in business and a master’s degree in public administration, equipping her to grasp the highly complex subject of school funding.

Being a school director is an all-consuming volunteer position, and I applaud all those who are running for their local boards. Public schools face challenges that require the unmatched experience of Cindy McMullen and Debra Long.

Dan Hansen, member West Valley School Board


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