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Mindful Trump hatred

In his letter to the editor, “Mindless Trump hatred,” (Sept. 3), Randall Jones insists that the left and liberalism is all about hating Trump and “don’t have a clue why,” but mindlessly believes what CNN, a teacher or a movie star tell them that “Trump is destroying the economy” … and therefore they believe it.

I find this assessment of the left and liberals both ignorant and pompous. Nothing has to be made up to dislike about Trump since he does plenty of stupid things all on his own. Trump began his ceaseless lying on day one at his inauguration when he insisted that his “awesome” crowd was “the largest in history.” That was immediately proved wrong.

Manufacturing, which Trump promised to bring back, is at a three-year low and every American family will pay around $1,000 for Trump’s tariffs. Trump is so obsessed with his useless wall that he has offered prophylactic pardons to anyone who would get it built before the 2020 election if they happen to do illegal things in the process.

The notion that “coal is coming back” — which is pushed by Trump — is ridiculous since it is not economically competitive compared to natural gas and other sources of electricity, yet it’s one of his favorite talking points.

Of course “there were good people on both sides” in Charlottesville.

Obviously, this list only scratches the surface of things people dislike about Trump. If Mr. Jones excludes CNN for a news source, perhaps he could try reading The Spokesman-Review. He might learn something about why many people, not just the left or liberals, want Trump out of office.

Jane Mark

Newman Lake

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