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Stay home, stay safe

When the coronavirus pandemic first entered the United States, California and Washington were the first and hardest hit. Two months later there are 12 states with more COVID-19 infections than Washington and most of those states have twice the infections we have in Washington. The difference? A proactive governor.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee was proactive. He instituted his “Stay Home, Stay Healthy,” statewide initiative as soon as the outbreak was identified. Other Governors, both Republican and Democrat were reactive, and too late at that.

New York and New Jersey have many, many more cases of COVID-19 than we do. Michigan, California, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Florida and Illinois have more than twice what Washington is experiencing. Even Texas, Georgia and Connecticut have surpassed us.

The infections on the East Coast have been traced to conference and vacation travelers. In the Gulf Coast states it was Mardi Gras and spring break attendees spreading the germ.

Gov, Inslee’s “stay home” proclamation saved countless lives. What did he get for his foresight? Criticism from local elected officials with zero medical or disaster training.

Governor Inslee is a leader to whom we all owe our gratitude.

Paul Oman


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