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Ranchers run WDFW

Inconvenient critics are simply removed from the Wolf Advisory Group. Since when does director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Kelly Susewind think that he can follow President Trump’s example to simply oust a committee member who does not agree with him? Especially from a committee that by design is already made up largely of hunters and ranchers who, of course, do not like the presence of ANY wolves.

Tim Coleman was a lonely opposing voice in this unbalanced committee.

Donny Martorello, wolf policy lead for WDFW, is quoted as saying that the group’s “discussions are open to the public, and everyone’s thoughts and opinions are welcome.” But that seems not to be true.

Also, since when are one or two remaining wolves considered a “pack”?

What we have here is a welfare system for ranchers who already pay less for grazing on public lands then they would have to pay on private lands. Plus the public pays for the high cost of removing wolves to the benefit of the ranchers.

I suggest that Kelly Susewind should resign from his nice position of the WDFW and go the work for the ranching industry.

Cecilia Nolthenius

Coeur d’Alene

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