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A different phone call

Jon Healey’s claim that Hunter Biden is responsible for “everything” (“Hunter Biden at center of it all,” Feb. 5) omits one small detail: the president’s attempt to gather “dirt” on the Bidens by withholding money from Ukraine. Let’s imagine a small change in President Trump’s call to President Zelenskiy that might have led to different results even if Hunter Biden had remained in place.

Mr. Trump: President Zelenskiy, I just want to congratulate you on your election and on the Ukrainian people’s courageous resistance to Russia’s incursion. I have, of course, authorized the American people’s continuing financial assistance in your efforts, and you should have that money in hand. In addition, I would like to invite you to the White House in the near future so that we may publicly celebrate the continuing ties between our two countries. I know that Ukraine is battling corruption, and I have instructed our ambassador to contact you in the near future to see how we can assist you in those efforts, particularly if you have concerns about the activities of any American citizens.”

It’s hard, at least for me, to imagine an impeachment stemming from a call like that. It’s also hard to imagine Mr. Trump gaining any “dirt” that might help him in the coming election, but, of course, if helping Ukraine were his primary motivation that would hardly matter, would it?

Edward Reynolds


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