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Thanks, anti-maskers

I am writing just to thank every one of you who don’t wear your masks out in public. You are the most selfish people, thinking that you know better than the CDC and the WHO.

You are just like these non-vaxxers who don’t believe in vaccinating their children, but when they come down with the measles, (which were eradicated thanks to vaccines), they start crying about it. Well that’s on you for not taking the advice of doctors who actually went to school for this and know what they are talking about.

That’s how you people who don’t wear masks and catch the virus are; you start crying about it after you catch it thinking you are smarter than the CDC. You don’t think about how you could be giving it to your grandparents, parents, siblings or children.

Sure, everyone wants to go out and party and have a good time but just because you want to have a good time, I don’t want to die because you weren’t wearing a mask, and I happen to come in contact with you. Also, if you should die, people will be sad but look at it this way: your stupidity is just making room for the rest of us that do wear our masks.

Just wear your mask; if you do the virus will go away quicker and we can go back to a normal life.

Kathy Richardson


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