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School of hard knocks

It is time for the class of 2020 to gain some perspective. Yes, it is sad that you have missed the end of your senior year along with prom, graduation and yearbooks. Everyone agrees that you have been “cheated” out of your senior experience and collectively we agree and are sympathetic.

Yet, consider all of the milestones that are also being missed, loved ones dying alone, no funerals for loved ones, birth in a time of quarantine, trips of a lifetime cancelled, milestone birthdays not celebrated, and jobs lost forever.

You are young adults now and you are learning a hard lesson. Life is not fair. We all have examples of personal suffering and sacrifice and your senior year ending this way is not the way anyone wanted it to happen, but happening it is.

Please look at others and consider the suffering around you. People are losing their livelihood without the chance to say goodbye to people they have worked with for many years. Families are in crisis with loss of income or a job that puts them at risk, some have no childcare options. Families are separated due to health concerns. Parents are left with the responsibility of home schooling their children and holding down jobs or wondering how they will make the next house payment.

You are young, healthy and this will pass. It is not fair, life is not fair.

Trish Edgar


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