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The end of a saga

Now that the latest chapter in the “Oppose Trump Saga” is finished, could our well-paid congressional representatives get on with the job we hired them to do? Just think what they could accomplish if they were willing to bury their personal contempt of our president and choose to cooperate with him on domestic issues that sit unattended. And their sorry approval rating could improve substantially. How sad that some of these people plan to continue wasting our money on their own agenda.

Granted, the president often doesn’t help his own cause, largely because of inappropriate language, but I can accept this if the work of the country is being done. And the list of his accomplishments on our behalf is impressive, with so little cooperation from Congress.

The opposition have been working against the president since before he was elected, so their criticisms since are not valid. Smooth talkers who do nothing constructive deserve criticism. The country will have an opportunity in November to hold them accountable and fire them. I do wonder though, if there are others out there capable of doing the job properly, who are also willing to do it.

Darlene LaFollette


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