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Concerned parent SB 5395

I just read over Senate Bill 5395 and am left with more questions and concerns than ever before regarding the psychological, sociological and physical health and wellness of children in Washington state.

In 2021, I will have a first- and third-grader in the Mead School District. To mandate in 2021 that all schools must teach a comprehensive sexual health education that includes very sensitive topics like expression of gender, sexual orientation and more to children is well beyond reach of the governments responsibility to inform. This responsibility remains solely in the hands of each family unit. To cover such topics in a public classroom, especially to children, is in my opinion dangerous.

As a former high school teacher, I know how important delivery of material, classroom management, and peer influences all play into how a student receives information. And if such sensitive topics are not given the weight and importance that they deserve in a classroom, I believe this quickly becomes a disservice to our children.

Further, as a concerned parent, I’m considering having my children leave the public school system if the Senate passes Bill 5395. I will have my two sons excused when the comprehensive sexual health unit is taught in 2021. However, the mere chance that they are accidentally not excused from their classrooms during this unit is enough for me to consider other educational options and to encourage others to do so in my community.

Please be informed on SB 5395.

Jill Doornink


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