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Vestal’s presumptions

On the sex-ed flap, yes, Shawn, parents are disgusted (“Listen up! Teachers are not demonic,” Shawn Vestal, March 11). Parents are homeschooling or charter schooling or online schooling or private schooling their kids instead of mainstreaming their kids in public schools more no longer trust.

The recent explicit sex-ed curriculum encouraging variant promiscuity is just one more reason. Students are already bombarding each other with genital snap chats. Does Olympia felt left out?

What really goads me are Shawn’s presumptions and inconsistencies:

1. All gays or lesbians are liberals and love the BTQ crowd. Not true. I have lesbian relatives who are Republicans. They educated their daughters in a Carolina private school. And wasn’t there a Florida Republican gay congressman who had to resign over inappropriate advances to minor House pages back in 2006?

2. Public school kids don’t mind being ostracized when their parents opt out of comprehensive sex ed. They will.

3. If a tender-aged person is actually born gay or straight or know they are male or female apart from their genitalia, why do they need more information?

4. Aren’t abortions and STDs declining? Terminating pregnancies are at a new low.

5. Brick-and-mortar school districts should avoid this curriculum if for no other reason than self preservation. Covid-19 could prove them irrelevant.

Mike Reno


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