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What are our leaders’ thoughts?

Even though I am someone who falls into the demographic most susceptible to the risks associated with this virus, I have been struggling with how Spokane is handling its response as if we are the same as Seattle. While the Emerald City was the initial epicenter for the virus, it can’t be our model in gradually moving back to normal, as our communities are vastly different.

The governor has instituted a vague policy for a gradual reopening but has failed to address the counties and communities across the state where the virus has had minimal or no impact. With the exception of our mayor who has suggested that Inslee’s “one size” fits all may not be right for Eastern Washington, I want to know what our elected officials think and what they’re doing individually and collectively to end this nightmare for Spokane and the outlying communities.

While it’s reassuring to hear from the county health officer, it’s just as important for our local politicians to communicate with us, specifically around timetables and how they’re using data to drive their decisions, not automatically deferring all authority to the west side of the state.

Whereas I’ve always felt safe in Spokane, the desperation that the continued shutdown could fuel has made me question my own personal safety and that of my family. I am beginning to be less fearful of the virus and more frightened by the ramifications created by our response to it.

Dean Moorehouse


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