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A price to pay

With all our college-educated decision making and leaders, what’s taking so extremely long to hear how similar our coronavirus plague is to a chastisement from the creator God – Divine Providence – of “we the people” for defying, ignoring, dismissing and deliberately provoking Almighty God with our own defiant protests which America’s Supreme Court justices have ruled to be legally permissible, acceptable, admissible and allowable. But rejecting the mandated regulations of the “forbidden fruit.”

Such ineffective “assistance of counsel” by our U. S. Supreme Court is unconstitutional – Sixth Amendment orders related to “federal abortion rights, same sex marriage” to name only a few resisting passages voted in favorably, yet in opposition to the Lord’s ruling requirements for His created males and females He made in His own image.

With this current virus plague, why do we refuse to interpret it as an obvious repetitive penalty of all the former biblical penalties as retribution for offense against God in Heaven and each other after a devastating length of time?

Our most merciful, slow to anger creator must be telling humanity again, by this pandemic, we may not continue in our disobedience to His demanding command. There is a “price to pay” to resolve our outright belligerent conflicts with His sovereign authority.

As He’s proven His word – to us.

Maryann Wignes


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