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Decrying the S-R’s endorsement

I was raised in Spokane and am a graduate of Lewis and Clark High School. Though I no longer live in Spokane, I retain a deep fondness for the city and a respect for its industrious residents. As such, I was appalled by the newspaper’s endorsement of the “wretched human being,” Donald Trump for president. Does acknowledging that this President “panders to racists” and is a “bigot,” absolve the S-R from accusations of these same destructive attitudes? By no means! This endorsement merely shows how out of touch the S-R is from its general readership and indeed from the general sentiment of the American people. The ugly underside of American society — racism, intolerance and greed — has been exposed to the light by the Trump presidency. Decent people now have the opportunity to vote him out of office and thereby take meaningful steps toward building a more just, inclusive society, toward re-establishing the foundations of our American democratic institutions, toward restoring dignity to our armed services, toward re-building American stature internationally and toward truly making American great again. Shame on you, S-R, for endorsing this “wretched human being” for our highest public office. The American people are better than that and they deserve so much more.

Mary L. Hanneman


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