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Reinstate Dr. Lutz

I am greatly did.ayed by the upbrupt firing of Dr Lutz, who I believe is doing a fantastic job of balancing the economy with public health, in this pandemic, using a message of clear information, importance of taking public health precautions, and hope.

I am from a large family tree of doctors in other states. They support everyone wearing masks in shared spaces, by mandate if folks don’t voluntarily comply (which of course is preferable) to prevent hospitals from filling up. They MUST have space and medical staff enough to handle emergencies such as heart attacks and car accidents. KMC in North Idaho is full … .at the worst timing as winter is coming and thus folks will congregate indoors. Masks remain the single most effective way to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

Please reinstate Dr Lutz.

Nancy Mertz

Coeur d’Alene

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