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McMorris Rodgers needs to answer

Why do reporters allow Cathy McMorris Rodgers to respond to questions about the election with evasion and vague claptrap?

A recent S-R story gave our representative a chance to blather on about Trump’s “legal right,” etc. No one doubts the legal right to challenge outcomes. What’s important is whether she voices support for a party leader behaving like a stone-throwing autocrat.

Reporters and constituents need to ask specific yes-no questions, not general queries about her reaction or response to Trump.

Such as: Do you agree with Trump’s assertion he lost the election due to widespread illegal voting? The answer must be yes or no, with follow-ups forcing CMR to go beyond cliches and non-factual generalizations.

Do you find Trump’s attacks on America’s electoral system factual and responsible? If yes, where’s the evidence?

Do you think it’s proper for a president of the U.S. to intentionally sow doubt in our democracy?

Have you seen or identified evidence of voter fraud? If yes, where? If no, why not state that clearly?

If CMR dodges or won’t answer, print the questions and her replies — or non-replies — verbatim.

That same Nov. 6 story quoted her saying she’s “heard stories” of possible voter fraud. Seriously? Is that what our elected official is using as her rationale?

Her TV ads like to portray CMR as a politician with gumption and an independent streak. But since the election she’s shown only cowardice and the civic responsibility of a third-rate political lackey.

Tom Sowa


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