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Fool you once; fool you twice?

Democrats took control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm election by running Democratic candidates in districts Trump won in 2016 on promises of “moderation and bipartisan” working with Republicans. Those constituents failed to realize that the Democratic Party in Congress is run like a totalitarian dictatorship.

Nancy Pelosi rules with an iron fist, and anyone who doesn’t follow the party line is politically neutered. Worse yet, she owes her speakership to the Progressive Caucus, which now defines that party line. They stalled President Trump’s pro-American worker, pro-American business, pro-America agenda and wasted time on the bogus impeachment fiasco.

The future of America really is at stake in the coming election. Don’t be fooled twice with Biden’s promises of “moderation and bipartisanship” too. He is a puppet of the Bernie Sanders/AOC progressives controlling the Democratic Party just like Pelosi is in the House.

We face a historic choice much like Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken.” “Two roads diverge” in our political world. You can choose the Democrats’ rutted road to socialism’s riot and ruin (look at any major Democrat-controlled city today), or you can choose Trump’s newer populist road to prosperity for all Americans who want to work. Let “the road not taken” be socialism.

President Trump also made many promises, but kept them to our benefit. More Frost: “But (he has) promises to keep, And miles to go before (he) sleeps.”

“And that (will make) all the difference.”

Bob Strong


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