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Rethink ‘terrorist’ label

What do you call a protester waving a BLM sign? An anarchist. What do you call a 17-year-old with an AR-15 shooting protesters on a street in the middle of the night? A patriot. It’s a war of political words and the actual anarchists are running the federal government. A couple of deaths associated with protesting requires federal troops while 1,000+ daily COVID-19 deaths are largely ignored.

I don’t know anyone who is demonstrating, but I do know people with COVID-19. I certainly fear COVID-19 over a BLM protestor. On the other hand, flag waving Trump supporters in pick-up trucks shooting paint balls and pepper spray isn’t peaceful protesting. Trump supporters are inciting violence so their candidate can win.

Anyone taking a gun to a protest is engaging in a conspiracy to commit murder. A gun isn’t needed to oppose a protest sign. Use the gun and you will go to prison, so why take it there? Violence isn’t the answer unless you are a Trump supporter. That 17-year-old kid was in the front row of a Trump rally.

Trump has encouraged the police to not be “nice” to people they arrest, and he certainly had a negative effect on the kid with a gun.

Trump is going to keep pouring political gasoline on the BLM protesters. He hopes the fires will give him a victory.

Pete Scobby


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