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Fluoridation is simple

I am writing to inform you of my support of City Council adjusting the level of fluoride in Spokane’s water supply.

As a physician, I find it unacceptable that such a well-supported and simple public health measure has not been taken in our community. In medicine, we continually weigh the balance of risk versus benefit in any therapy; regarding fluoridation, it is clear that the benefits significantly outweigh the risk.

Simple public health measures such as these are even more important now given increasing health disparities related to COVID. It does not require a medical degree to understand how this would serve our community both medically and financially.

I will continue to advocate for our community and recommend water fluoridation.

Emily Piekenbrock, D.O.


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  • The Spokesman-Review retains the nonexclusive right to archive and re-publish any material submitted for publication.

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Letters to the Editor
The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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