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Pitts emulates Alinsky

Shame, Leonard Pitts for your dangerous opinion piece on April 5th (“Small wonder the church is shrinking”) suggesting the shrinking church is due to racial issues. The church is shrinking, but not for that reason.

Pitts’ name bears its fruit well. Pitting one group against the other is right out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and Pitts gets an A+. But wait, A’s have been tossed out for the grade of satisfactory. Sorry, Leonard, we’ll have to make your article equal to all the rest of your commie associates.

When Christ instituted the Eucharist, all the people except for his immediate disciples left him, so I don’t think people leaving church is a new phenomenon. (John 6)

Pitts belongs to the party wanting to feed people physical food for their vote rather than spiritual food for their soul. Churches are there to feed souls and help people when they need it. Unfortunately, federal aid has a corrupting influence.

Pitts’ real reason for writing his opinion piece is tying conservatives, Trump and the church together to chastise them. Alas, Leonard, you’re transgressing two of the liberals’ favorite Bible verses: “He who casts the first stone…..and judge not, lest ye be judged.”

The Church waits with open arms for those who show love and mutual respect for one another. Maybe that’s why Leonard feels so out of touch with churchgoers.

Susan Bacon


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