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Concerning the recent surge of Republican voter suppression laws proposed and being enacted, it is easy to see that Republicans don’t support our democratic process and will do anything to subvert or destroy it when it doesn’t give them the results they want.

The excuse given for it is largely based on the lies of a sore-loser one-term president, who lost the popular vote twice and was only president because of our antiquated electoral college anyway. Republicans have to prevent more people from voting, because when all voter demographics are represented fairly in an election, Republican policies do not sell very well. The most influential element in this lack of popularity for Republican policy among American voters isn’t related to just undesirable policies, but a total lack of any policy whatsoever from Republicans to address the concerns most citizens have today.

Although I am seeing plenty of criticism from Republicans for the actions of our current president in dealing with our nation’s problems, I am not seeing any proposals, platforms or even suggestions from Republicans that show any effort to actually govern or that they care to solve anything outside of the wants of their campaign donors. Where are the Republican proposals for climate change, health care, gun violence, economic inequality and homelessness?

Republicans have little to nothing constructive or even realistic policy-wise for the American public, no wonder they have to cheat us out of voting for those who do.

David Cannon


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