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600,000 and counting

Have you seen the amount of people dead in the USA as of today? Or do you even care? These are your neighbors of all occupations, some who cared for you sometime in your life. That’s right: moms, dads, doctors, nurses, school teachers, the list goes on.

Did you know 600,000 is more people then the entire Spokane County?, DEAD! All those folks I mentioned including kids, teens, grandmas, grandpas, and your closest friends DEAD to see no more their smile, giggles, or hug — GONE!

But your freedom to not get a vaccine was more important. Have you gotten your smallpox or polio vaccine? Those were widespread before in our history. Speaking of freedom: do you wear a seatbelt, drive on the right side of the road, drive a speed limit or respect stop lights? These are all to preserve life, just as vaccines are. This is about more than you. Vaccinate or mask up for life, you choose, since those 600,000 cannot ever again. The vaccine is FREE; the hospital and coffin aren’t.

Cathy Gunderson


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