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This is on Biden

Foreseeable. Predictable. Indefensible. And unjustifiable. What happened this week in Afghanistan with the thoughtless, haphazard withdrawal of American troops and support from the country has created horrific images that rival the abandonment of personnel in Vietnam 50 years ago.

The luckiest Afghanistan people who were allied with America are no longer living. Those still alive are terrified and have little hope of avoiding a brutal death at the hands of the Taliban. The image of people falling from aircraft as a consequence of their desperate attempt to escape a ruthless foe will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Biden remains clueless about the damage and deaths he caused. This violence could have been prevented through a planned, coordinated effort to provide safe haven to those considered friends. But it wasn’t. This debacle is squarely on Biden, and those who support him.

Dave McCann


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