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One size doesn’t fit all

The purpose of schools is to educate, but when we educate ourselves about our own bodies, we are “mandated” to get vaccines in spite of the government not knowing our bodies.

Yet, we can kill a baby in our body as “my body, my choice.” I, as a stage 3 ovarian cancer survivor (recurred twice), have had many years to ‘know my body” AND have educated myself in taking care of it. As teachers are told not every child learns the same, neither does “one size fit all” in medicine. Just look at the stats of people using the same chemo as I was given, who have died in spite of the same treatment.

In researching the studies of each vaccine, there are no studies using cancer survivors except in Europe and they were small studies. (

I’m not advocating to not get jabbed, but to do the research for your own body. The government is not in charge of our personal health decisions. And is a governor really able to mandate jabs? If anything, there could be a mandate of “Keep your sick kids at home!” Hope that last quote had you smiling!


Research signs and symptoms … or maybe the SR will do a health article on it!

Mary Pegg


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