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The disease of cowardice

For every leader, there are countless followers who are willing and relieved to trade the mental effort and self-examination of independent thought for a simple guidebook that tells them exactly what to think and what to do. Some of these people find that guidebook in religion. Some of these people find that guidebook in business. Many others find it in politics.

We learned on January 6, 2021, what can happen when the guidebook is malevolently crafted for, and directed toward, people with a sense of disenchantment, a fear of loss, and an eagerness to look strong or chosen or patriotic.

We learned on February 13, 2021, what happens when we try to hold elected leaders accountable for their actions: The disease of cowardice spreads rapidly from one senator to another. It’s not a new disease, but it is now so prevalent we can give it a name: COWARD-21.

This disease is hazardous to us all because it results in willful blindness and political expedience.

Dan Mahoney


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