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The demise of the GOP

I truly hope people are realizing there is a battle going on for the future of the Republican Party and the country.

The battle is between those who believe in the conservative principles of limited government, balanced budgets, states’ rights, strong military and HONEST INSTITUTIONS including the independence of the three branches of government — judicial, legislative and executive. AND

The current autocracy where one person rules the government and will not allow any person to disagree with what HE wants. His constant lies and illegal actions are a threat to our democracy.

The battle lines have been drawn.

The existing president is refusing to admit he has lost the election. He has repeatedly lied about election fraud, and spread rumors about false conspiracies to the point many traditional Republicans believe AND support his nonsense.

Even after Trump lost 48 court rulings due to lack of evidence of voter fraud and numerous state election audits and recounts that found no fraud. Trump (including CMR) will not concede.

And now the scary audio of Trump’s hour-long telephone conversation pressuring the election official from Georgia to just find 11, 780 votes so he could win. Enough is enough.


The Trump Party is not, nor ever will be the Republican Party.

By the way, if CMR wants to come along and REJOIN the Republican Party there might be room for an “independent thinker.”

Frank R. Easter


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