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To the Medical Lake Community,

Many peers and I value the activities the levy affects, and for many reasons it should be supported.

My personal experience as a student has been shaped by many resources and activities such as Chromebooks, the robotics team, STEM activities and mental health services.

One of the biggest resources are Chromebooks. Chromebooks have become a really big part of our learning system and especially due to recent circumstances they have become even more so. They provide diversification of our resources academically, and we are able to digitally communicate with them. STEM activities and the schools robotics club are also things Chromebooks positively impact.

These activities are things that have definitely shaped how I learn. I have found community within them and continually grow from them in many ways.

Finally, mental health services have impacted me too. Inside school and outside of school it has helped me greatly and others I know too. These are some of the few reasons the levy should be supported for me personally.

Pekay Diluciano

8th-grade student, Medical Lake Middle School

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