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This is an emergency

Apparently the saying “Nero fiddled while Rome burned” is not true. Even so, we use it to discuss a person who is an irresponsible leader that is so out of touch with a major emergency that they instead have fun while others suffer. Is that not what our leaders are doing and have been doing for decades? Is that not what we individuals have been doing? Let’s not continue to fiddle while America and the world burns, floods, and fries anymore!

Without a livable planet, families and children will increasingly suffer and soon die. We take our climate for granted even today as it becomes less and less hospitable for life. Extreme changes are happening even now and the close future looks more and more grim.

Contact your senators and representatives now and let them know this is a national emergency and we need action now! They need to prioritize funding to reverse climate change quickly and efficiently. And, each of us can take the steps we are able to to weatherize, buy an electric car, get solar energy, and conserve. We can each personally reduce our use of fossil fuel energy.

Robin Ivey-Black


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